
We surface the signal of your competitors, peers, and industry experts by notifying you when they follow accounts on Twitter

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at top-tier VCs and angels

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with 17k++ followers on Twitter

Why you should track
Twitter follow activity?

There is a reason behind why someone follows someone else on Twitter. Exploit that knowledge.

Track your fellow VCs

A new follow might mean a company or an entrepreneur is raising a new round. See who they recently connected with. You snooze you lose.

Track industry experts

Keep abreast of new trends and see which projects your industry leaders are keeping an eye on. Learn and identify opportunities faster.

Track your portco

Observe the direction they are going, and the partnerships they are forming. Find ways to add value to your portco.

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Trusted by analysts and associates
at top-tier VCs and angels

user 1user 2user 3user 4user 5

with 17k++ followers on Twitter
